Make Your Brand Recognizable

Make Your Brand Recognizable Online

Make Your Brand Recognizable

Last updated on July 11th, 2023 at 04:38 pm

Steps You Need to Follow to Make Your Brand Recognizable Online

2020 is the year, which showed all of the entrepreneurs how it is important to have an online business and build a qualitative website.

In case, if you still work offline, but thinking of making steps forward, you should check this guide for building your own website.

Speaking about website promotion, companies often use the same set of actions: launching context advertisements on landing pages, optimizing a website for promotion in search engines, registering accounts and groups in social networks, setting up a targeting system.

The goal is usually the same – sales. It’s understandable but at some point, such a strategy can lead to a dead-end, advertisement simply ceases to be profitable.

Can Recognizability Be Measured?

Some signals can be used to track changes in brand interest on the web. One such signal is the history of search queries – Google Trends.

The main advantage of Google is statistics based on long periods. It allows you to see the results for multiple years as well as has other useful things to do.

If an advertisement mentions a domain rather than just the name of the company, an increase can be seen in direct traffic.

Also, when the popularity of a brand grows, its various mentions often start to appear on the network: people write reviews, share opinions in social networks, and so on.

How to increase recognizability?

It is important to light up where the most interested people live. And it is desirable to create a positive image in doing so.

External Content Marketing

In the age of content marketing, external publications are becoming one of the most powerful tools for increasing brand awareness.

In addition to classic publications in the media, you can also try industry platforms, many of which place materials for free. A bonus to coverage is the quality of external links, which can have a direct impact on ranking.

Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising can not only attract visitors intending to make a purchase, but also raise awareness of their products and the brand in general.

In this sense, Google’s context media network works best. Users who see an advertisement on websites do not have the goal to buy something right now.

They are under consideration or have not yet thought about buying anything. It is time to get their attention.

Branding through contextual advertising: a good image promotion tool.

A simple example. You think about buying a new phone and start to look for it on the Internet. You found the possible variations, then decided to think over such an important purchase and left.

But for another week after that, you will be haunted by context advertisement everywhere.

Well-known brands often use context advertisements to draw attention to new products and promotions. But not so well known companies can also do that.

Even if no one goes over the ad, it’s not a problem. The main thing is that it was seen.

“Loreal” reminds us of itself. The ad is unlikely to have a high CTR, but the constant flickering of the brand does not let you forget about it.

Media Advertising

Banners are not placed on websites just to be crossed. As with billboards on the roads, the main thing is to draw your attention.

Usually, for this purpose, companies are advertised through specialized networks to cover as many sites as possible.

Here comes a modern disease of online users called banner blindness, and a great deal of competition is forcing companies to switch towards other, more native types of advertisement.

But how exactly should you combat banner blindness?

Social Platforms

The presence of a brand in social media platforms is much more than sales. Above all, it is the provision of useful information that helps solve processing problems and meets current goals.

Look at the big brands. Do their social network accounts sell 24/7? No. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense for users to subscribe to most of them.

But they keep reminding you about themselves: they post useful information, organize contests, contact subscribers, hike, or just fool around.

All of that to increase customer loyalty or generate interest.

Since social networks are not only text but also images, it is impossible not to use them. Branded photos and images are the right things to do when it comes to increasing brand awareness on the web.

Have you seen the brand LARQ on Instagram? It’s a very good example of qualitative and beautiful visuality.

Just look over their feed… The brand can be associated just with good visual content and loyalty that it is trusted by others.

In general, such information & images are much more effective in increasing recognisability. They are willingly saved and shared/re-posted. Branding images in posts and articles is also a common practice.

Social Networks Make Your Brand Recognizable Online

SEO Make Your Brand Recognizable Online

Increasing your position in search results is a big step towards increasing your recognition. The closer you get to the beginning, the more clicks you get.

Since search optimization is unimaginable without a modern and fast website.

You will most likely end up in need to optimize your page performance, nobody wants to get a crash or a slow, laggy performance when your advertisement finally makes it.

For this particular reason you can check out some reviews about it here and you won’t be disappointed. InterServer is a reliable service with affordable options.

Needless to say, the majority of network users have more confidence in the sites at the top of their search engines.

This is why no one canceled the work of optimizing the site for search engines. And the creation of useful content and promotion of information requests can be much more effective in the long term than the usual SEO manipulations.

Leaders of Opinion

Demonstration of products and services to the audience of a popular blogger is a very common practice.

Although bloggers in the classical sense have now given way to Instagram influencers and YouTubers, you can choose any type of opinion leader for your needs.

As a rule, the audience of bloggers is more involved and loyal, meaning that advertisement is perceived sufficiently. Although it does depend on placement and advertisement content.

Haven’t you caught yourself referring to the products which have been showcased by some kind of influencers?

The personal approach which they take in marketing promotions can showcase the best aspects of a product.

As a recent case study shows, Leaders of Opinion may generate up to 89% of traffic nowadays, and this percentage doesn’t seem to drop at all.

In 2020 you should consider this type of advertisement, for more information, check the full study here.

Contests, Challenges, Likes, Shares

Involving people in all kinds of mass activities and then encouraging them to become recognizable to the company. This is often used to bring a new product to the market.

Bloggers can also be involved here. You can come up with any terms and conditions for competitions and banquets.

The main thing is that your name or product is mentioned. And, of course, the prize must motivate the audience to actively participate.

Referral Program

For people to promote your brand by themselves, there is a need to create the right conditions for this.

Partner contributions often become an incentive: the client brings a friend and receives a percentage of sales. A discount or bonus can also work well.

The referral program helped the Dropbox service to increase the number of registrations by 60%.

Users were happy to share links, as they were given extra space for each friend they referred.

In general, discounts, gifts, free trials, and other joys almost always work. They can be used for advertisement in any format.

There is a recent case study that highlights the power of the referral network.

“Ava Women” have managed to successfully apply the referral program technique, they used one of the catchiest approaches – Give 20$, Get 20$.

This made them a revenue of over $2 million during the last months. In case you are interested in “Ava’s” success, more you can find out here.

Video Helps in Making Your Brand Recognizable Online

The video format makes it possible to develop new sites and gain greater coverage.

Now it is not only advertisements but also entertainment at the same time. The content creates an advertisement field for requests from brands.

The YouTube channel The Fader, for example, does not sell anything – it publishes interviews with different people and holds talk shows.

This makes it possible to form your audience and strengthen your authority.

Video branding is an important part of promoting the company on YouTube. A short and stylish intro is not just a local custom, but a way to mention the brand once again.

A few views of the video are enough to keep the brand in mind and executing YouTube SEO can be a master stroke.

Some people make screensavers so creative and viral that it is impossible to break away from them (although everything is subjective).

Video Helps in Making Your Brand Recognizable Online


Content is not just text, picture, or video. Transmissions in audio format are the best way to “get” to the busiest people who are used to doing several things at once.

This particular type of content is exploding in the mass media, especially when held by a popular and smart person.

Joe Rogan for example, his podcasts are made for the people and everyone gets on track with the topic pretty easily, no matter if he speaks with Elon Musk or a UFC athlete.

A lot of people are now thinking about recording podcasts, but there are still many vacant niches in this business.

Perhaps because it is a very time-consuming business: you need not only to think about the concept and record high-quality sound but also work out a decent promotion strategy.

Conclusion: Make Your Brand Recognizable Online

Currently, it is hard to predict, how exactly will the tables turn for your particular brand. You may never know which expected tool (Out of Top SEO Tools) will work out at its best.

However, with all the information above, you will stay on the right track. Good luck!

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